
Can Invisalign Correct an Overbite?

When your teeth aren’t straight, it can play a negative role in your health and self-confidence. Thankfully, misalignments and malocclusions like overbites are able to be fixed in a variety of ways through dental treatment. Find out how Invisalign can help to fix an overbite.

What is an overbite?

Malocclusion refers to situations where the top and bottom teeth do not align correctly. Overbites are a specific type of malocclusion when the top front teeth extend beyond the bottom front teeth. Overbites come in two main forms: vertical overbites, where the top teeth overlap in front of the bottom teeth; and horizontal overbites, where the top teeth protrude out in front of where the bottom teeth sit.

An overbite can be a hereditary condition, but may also stem from poor childhood oral habits like thumb sucking. Unfortunately, overbites also cause many problems with eating and speech, contribute to significant jaw pain, and lead to early wearing out of tooth enamel. Overbites are not always preventable, but thankfully there are a number of treatments that offer overbite correction.


How Invisalign works

Invisalign is an orthodontic appliance used to treat a variety of misalignment issues by gently exerting pressure on your teeth. This pressure is used to straighten them into a correct position over time. Invisalign treatment involves wearing a series of transparent aligner trays on your teeth that are specially designed to shift their position.

Before any treatment, a dentist or orthodontist will examine the position of your teeth and determine whether Invisalign will be able to fix them. If so, they use scans of your mouth to create a digital plan of how your teeth are predicted to move. Each new set of aligner trays moves the position of your teeth a little more until they have shifted completely to the ideal position.

Can Invisalign fix an overbite?

Invisalign is a great option to treat mild to moderate overbites, with the tailored series of trays able to move the top teeth into a more ideal sitting position. This treatment works for both horizontal and vertical overbites. Your aligner trays are typically replaced every week or fortnight to keep your teeth under constant gentle pressure so they continue to move.

Invisalign overbite correction will typically last from anywhere between 6 months and 2 years, but comes with a lot of benefits including the ability to remove the trays, continue your normal diet and enjoy a discreet transformation.

Braces vs Invisalign for overbite

While Invisalign is very effective for less severe overbite cases, you may need to opt for fixed braces if your overbite is severe. Unfortunately, Invisalign is not able to exert enough force on your teeth to have a lasting impact on their position. Traditional braces can provide the correct amount of force to fix the problem.

Braces will typically take longer to move your teeth into the desired position but may be the only option if you have a complex case. However, if your case is only mild to moderate, the speed and convenience of Invisalign for an overbite may be a better option. Your dentist or orthodontist will help you understand what type of orthodontic treatment is right for your teeth, however, if you’d like to learn more you can read our article on Invisalign vs Braces before your appointment.

Aftercare to maintain your results

To ensure that your teeth stay in their new positions after treatment you will have to wear a retainer after Invisalign. This prevents your teeth from moving back to where they were before your treatment. Your dentist or orthodontist will determine how long you will need to wear a retainer, as well as how many hours per day, depending on the severity of your case before treatment.

Additionally, regular brushing and cleaning will also keep your teeth healthy overall and free from other issues like decay or infection. You should also try and eat a well-balanced diet and avoid overindulging on sugary drinks and snacks. All of these practices together will keep your dental health at its best.


From overbite correction to perfect alignment

Using Invisalign to correct an overbite is a common and effective treatment, especially for mild and moderate cases. Combining efficient teeth movement with a discreet appearance, Invisalign is the top choice for many patients looking to improve the health and look of their teeth. Book a consultation with us today to find out whether Invisalign would be right for you.

Picture of Written by Selina Soh

Written by Selina Soh

Selina is the owner of Oakleigh Dental, but you’d never guess it — she’s one of the most humble members of the team.