
How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?

Getting a quick aesthetic boost to your teeth has never been easier with the use of in-chair teeth whitening treatments. However, many patients still hesitate to commit to whitening, wondering more than anything else whether the results will be lasting and worthwhile. So, how long does in-chair teeth whitening last?

Why get your teeth whitened?

The main reason behind undergoing any teeth whitening treatment is to treat discoloration, which is when teeth darken or become stained, losing their natural shine and colour. Discoloration comes in two main forms: extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic discoloration refers to stains that only affect the outer tooth surface. These are typically caused by external factors like diet. Intrinsic discoloration, by contrast, is when the staining begins from inside the tooth and spreads out, due to things like dental trauma. 

Discoloration can play a significant role in a person’s confidence and their willingness to smile. If they are unhappy with the appearance of their teeth, they are less likely to smile, which can impact self-esteem. Whitening has become a popular treatment to remedy this and help people feel more assured of their teeth.

Not all whitening treatments are to treat major discoloration. In many cases, patients only want a minor touch-up or small improvement to the shade of their teeth. This often comes before a special event like a birthday or wedding where there are lots of photo opportunities.

How long does teeth whitening take?

There are a variety of different teeth whitening methods and products that are marketed as whitening agents. However, few of them are truly effective. The most effective form of teeth whitening treatments is in-chair teeth whitening performed at the dentist by a professional. This involves safely adding a bleaching solution to the teeth that includes a high concentration of hydrogen peroxide. This gel is placed underneath a laser light to allow it to enter the enamel and remove stains in just a 45 to 90 minute appointment.

Many clinics also provide some at-home teeth whitening trays that also use bleaching gel, but with a much lower concentration of hydrogen peroxide. These trays are worn overnight for between 2 and 4 weeks, but they are typically used as an extra tool on top of in-chair whitening to make sure results last.

There are many other whitening products like toothpastes, mouthwashes and oral strips. These are available over-the-counter or even at supermarkets, but take far longer to be effective and have poorer results. Some whitening toothpastes may actually be damaging to your teeth when they are more abrasive than recommended. If you are considering any whitening treatments or products, please speak to your dentist first before using them.

How long does professional teeth whitening last?

While it would be wonderful if there was a whitening treatment that could permanently keep your teeth bright and clear, that is not possible. All whitening treatments, including professional teeth whitening treatment, will eventually fade. However, the longevity of your results is significantly affected by how well you look after your teeth, with good dental habits able to prolong your newfound brightness.

If you have your teeth whitened by a dental professional, the results should last for around 1 to 3 years with good dental hygiene. This includes brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing every day, which removes any food particles or debris and keeps your teeth free from stains for longer. Other factors that influence the longevity of your results include age and the natural colour of your teeth. Younger patients will typically see their results last for longer, and naturally whiter teeth may require fewer touch ups over time.

If you opt to use just at-home trays provided by your dentist, it will take a couple of weeks before you see your results take full effect, but they should last around a year with good habits.

How often should you whiten your teeth?

It is possible to maintain your results for an extended period by going for a regular ‘top up’ appointment every 6 to 12 months. This is usually enough to maintain an improved level of brightness, though it will cost you more. Whitening your teeth professionally too often may end up damaging your teeth, so we don’t recommend going for treatment more often than every 3 months, but most patients will not require an appointment that frequently.

Teeth whitening aftercare for lasting results

The first few days after whitening treatment are especially important to ensure lasting results. Bleaching opens up tubules inside your enamel, which may absorb any coloured substances that reach your teeth, like food, drinks and even toothpaste. Patients should follow a diet of white or light-coloured foods to avoid unnecessary staining. This includes porridge, white yoghurt, bananas, white meat and potatoes. For a closer look at the ideal diet after whitening, check out our article.

As we’ve mentioned, daily brushing and flossing will give your results the best chance to last. You can augment your treatment by using a whitening toothpaste that is not too abrasive, but you should check with your dentist to make sure it is safe. Whitening treatment may also make your teeth sensitive for a brief period, but we provide a gel to reduce any discomfort from this increased sensitivity.

Stay shining!

In chair teeth whitening treatments will lead to longer lasting results than any alternative method, especially when you have good dental hygiene and follow aftercare instructions. You can make it even more worthwhile at Oakleigh Dental by booking one of our discounted whitening appointments on Thursdays — save $150! Get in touch to find out how we can help you smile.

Picture of Written by Selina Soh

Written by Selina Soh

Selina is the owner of Oakleigh Dental, but you’d never guess it — she’s one of the most humble members of the team.